Cathleen Russell was born and brought up in North Uist in the Western Isles. She was educated both there and in Inverness. She is now retired and lives in Argyll where she has been a Head Teacher for over 25 years, latterly as the shared head of 3 schools.
Cathleen is the Convenor of Colintraive and Glendaruel Community Council, Chair of the Kilmodan Acre Trust and the Company Secretary of Colintraive and Glendaruel Development Trust.
Cathleen has lived and worked in the Western Isles, Highlands, rural Lanarkshire as well as Argyll. She is very aware of the problems that many rural areas face and is keen to help communities become more resilient and self-reliant.
Cathleen enjoys the outdoor life. She enjoys walking and gardening and is trying to grow more, enjoying the freshness, quality and taste of growing her own fruit and vegetables. She was elected as a Director of SRA at the AGM on 16th November 2018.