
We support cross-sectoral networks which connect individuals, communities and businesses.  

Networks we are supporting include:

Rural Youth Action Network

The Scottish Rural & Islands Youth Parliament (SRIYP) brings together rural young people from across Scotland to identify priorities, which are now being progressed through a government-funded rural youth action network, supported by Youth Scotland and Scottish Rural Action, with a focus on collaboration and empowerment.

Village Halls & Community Spaces Working Group
Village Halls & Community Spaces Working Group

Village Halls & Community Spaces Working Group’s initiatives enhance and support rural community facilities through collaborative efforts and strategic development.

Curators of the Scottish Rural & Islands Parliament

The role of the Curator of the Scottish Rural & Islands Parliament is shaping and guiding the future of rural and island communities through thoughtful event coordination and communities listening.

Rural & Islands Fuel Poverty Action Group
Rural & Islands Fuel Poverty Action Group

Rural & Islands Fuel Poverty Action Group efforts to tackle fuel poverty in remote and rural areas through targeted strategies and community-driven solutions.

UK Network of Rural Community Organisations
UK Network of Rural Community Organisations

UK Network of Rural Community Organisations is a collaborative platform dedicated to strengthening and supporting rural communities across the country.

European Network of Rural Community Organisations
European Network of Rural Community Organisations

European Network of Rural Community Organisations is a collaborative alliance focused on enhancing and supporting rural communities across Europe.